vineri, 21 martie 2008

Cateva lucrushoare :D

~How are you feeling today?

When you're smiling-Michael Buble-->am ras cam mult azi,da asta asa ca sa nu plang :(

~Will you get far in life?

Sure thing-Saint Germain-->nimic nou,cam asta imi doresc pana la urma :D

~How do your friends see you?

Bee-Lemongrass-->nu prea am ce Dumnezeu sunt vazuta ca o albina :)))

~Will you get married?

Breathe-Telepopmusik-->asta insemnand ezitare,hmmm....i don't think so but who knows? :P

~What is your best friend’s theme?

Daydreaming-Massive Attack-->:S...:S

~What is the story of your life?

Unwritten-Natasha Bedingfield-->something like that :S

~What was high school like?

When your lover has gone-Stacey Kent-->that's so true :((

~How can you get ahead in life?

Fact-Silent Poets-->dap numai cu facts pot ajunge undeva,cu altceva nu se poate :|

~What is the best thing about your friends?

Feel alive-ATB-->:D

~What is in store for this weekend?

7 days to change your life-Jamie Cullum-->dap,dar am numai doua ma descurc yo :D

~What song describes you?

Let it die-Feist-->nu-mi vine sa cred cat de bine a picat...:O....principiul let it die,am si cui sa o dedic :(

~To describe your grandparents?

Guess God thinks i'm abel-Oasis-->:))

~How is your life going?

High Speed-Coldplay-->uneori se duce asa de repede ca nu imi mai dau seama in ce timp suntem :S

~What song will they play at your funeral?

In circles-Paul van Dyk feat Alex M.O.R.P.H-->:|

~How does the world see you?

Illuminated Mind-ATB-->cam asa...

~Will you have a happy life?

Days of silence-Omnimotion feat Aleah-->happiness is overated :-"

~Do people secretly lust after you?


~How can I make myself happy?

What the world needs now is love-Stacey Kent-->ok...maybe love is overated too :-"

~What should you do with your life?

Reflejo-Murcof-->exact ce ar trebui sa fac :S

Cam asta a fost...cui sa o dau yo..hmm...again la toti cei care citesc asta si au chef sa il faca :P

6 comentarii:

Alex spunea...

pai suna bine, dar mie trebuie sa imi si explici, ca sunt un pic mai limitat...unde trebuie sa postez? la mine sau la tine ? si alte chestii din astea :) pls , vreau sa joc, dar nu stiu cum :(
O zi usoara iti doresc si multumesc ca m-ai vizitat :)

Fritz spunea...

Esti vazuta ca o albina ? :))
Feel alive-ATB, I LOVE ATB ! :X:X:X:X:X (ala care scoate inimioare)

Vicky Olteanu spunea...

ura! let's spread the love :P

Anna spunea...

Am gasit si eu 2 piese kare imi plac in lista ta :D

Ana St. spunea...

care iti plac? :D

Tea spunea...

am facut si eu testul :)